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Theatre summer in Herzogenaurach

The theatre summer moves back to the castle courtyard! On August 2, 2024, we await the Franconian Theatre Summer with an afternoon and evening event.

At 3.00 pm, children can look forward to the play "Pippo and Pelina" and in the evening, at 8.00 pm, there will be "Nathan the Wise" for adults. Both plays will be performed in the castle courtyard. Advance tickets are available at Bücher, Medien und mehr (Hauptstraße 18, Herzogenaurach), online or by telephone via the Franconian Theatre Summer.

Pippo and Pelina - Two clowns on a journey of discovery

When two clowns want to discover the world, they need a big suitcase and a lot of courage. Because there are many a surprise that other clowns would run away from. Not so Pippo and Pelina, who always have an idea in their heads or in their suitcase, even in dangerous situations. The things the two of them experience constantly amaze them and often make them laugh, but sometimes also make them tremble and shiver. Before one of them completely despairs, the other quickly comes to the rescue. But if both are in trouble - what then? Fortunately, there are still the children....

2 August 2024
Admission: 2.30 pm
Start: 3.00 pm

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Nathan the Wise

Hugo v. Hofmannsthal described this famous Enlightenment drama by G.E. Lessing as "the wittiest comedy we have". Lessing called it "a dramatic poem".The play is a plea for religious tolerance and a challenge to intercultural dialogue between Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This appeal to reason and humanity has the lightness of a comedy with entanglements, coincidences, resolution of conflicts and a happy ending.

In the face of major global political crises and fundamentalist conflicts, it reads like a fairy tale today.This was already the case in Lessing's time, and it is not surprising that the play was banned in the Third Reich.reason, tolerance and humour as a statement against barbarism and hatred conjures up the possibility of confronting seemingly hopeless discord.

2 August 2024
Admission: 7.30 pm
Start: 8.00 pm


Advance tickets are available from Bücher, Medien und mehr (Hauptstr. 18, Herzogenaurach), online via the Franconian Theatre Summer website or by telephone on 09274 - 947440.

Pippo and Pelina
Adults: 10,00 EUR
Children: 7,00 EUR

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Nathan the Wise
24,00 EUR // 21,00 EUR (reduced) // 7,00 EUR Child up to 12 years
26,00 EUR box office

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In case of bad weather, the performances will take place in the town hall / meeting room.

Notes on the discount: Valid for members of the theatre summer sponsoring association, pupils, students, recipients of social welfare,
basic income support or unemployment benefit I + II, persons with a disabled pass.


Stadt Herzogenaurach

Tourist Info
Marktplatz 11
91074 Herzogenaurach

Telefon +49 (0)9132 / 901-791

Opening hours
Montag 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Dienstag 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Mittwoch 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Donnerstag 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Freitag 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Samstag 10.00 - 13.00 Uhr