26 Sportswear is twice the fun if you can show it off right away Whether you choose to go on a mini trail through the town or along the Aurach promenade with its fitness islands before letting off steam with the children at one of the playgrounds e g on Herzo Base and at An der Schütt before your home journey Perhaps you ll opt for a designated nordic walking path or a fitness track in the nearby Dohnwald instead Herzogenaurach being a town in the countryside offers the best of everything Throughout the year you can enjoy bathing in the wild wave pool at the water play park and warming deep relaxation in the premium sauna at the Atlantis leisure pool complex The outdoor swimming pool on Aurach Island in the heart of the town offers summer bathing fun You might also be tempted to paddle and splash around at the Wiwaweiher or at the fountain in the Weihersbach area Then chill out at the end of the day along the Aurach Promenade or just enjoy a dash of Urban Gardening in the HerzoGarten Wellness and fitness Active and relaxed

Vorschau herzoStyle - Herzogenaurach erleben 2023 Seite 26
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